Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Christ AhnSahngHong our Hope

According to the Bible, God has a dwelling place on this earth.

Psalm 132: 13-14 [For the LORD has chosen Zion, he has desired it for his dwelling: 'This is my resting place for ever and ever; here I will sit enthroned, for I have desired it—"]

How can we distinguish true Zion among all the other places that claim God dwells with them?

Isaiah 33:20 [Look upon Zion, the city of our festivals; your eyes will see Jerusalem]

As the prophet Isaiah wrote, Zion is wherever God Feasts are celebrated and we can see Jerusalem. What are God’s Feasts according to the Bible?

Leviticus 23
1. Sabbath
2. Passover
3. Unleavened Bread
4. Firstfruits (Resurrection)
5. Weeks (Pentecost)
6. Trumpets
7. Day of Atonement
8. Tabernacle

Wherever the Feasts mentioned above are celebrated, that is where Zion is – God’s dwelling place. The only place on earth that celebrated these Feast according to all of God’s regulations is Church of God World Mission Society. However, ever since AD 321 when the Sabbath was abolished, Zion had begun to be in ruins until the finally all of the Feasts of God where destroyed by satan (Daniel 7:25). If there is no Feasts of God, that mean there is no Zion, then there is no place where we can meet God for the forgiveness of Sins. This means for our salvation God has to come a second time (Hebrews 9:28) If second coming Christ does not take pity on us and come down to this earth, we will completely lost only waiting for our death sentence due to the penalty of our sins (Romans 6:23). What is our hope?

Psalm 102:16 [For the LORD will rebuild Zion and appear in his glory.]

God will rebuild Zion! When?
Micah 4: 1- 2 [In the last days the mountain of the LORD’s temple will be established as chief among the mountains; it will be raised above the hills, and peoples will stream to it. The law (Feast of God) will go out from Zion, the word of the LORD from Jerusalem.]

In the last days Zion will be rebuilt. In order for Zion to be established, what needs to exist? The Feasts of God, because the Feasts of God make up Zion (Isaiah 33:20). Then who will establish Zion?

Psalm 87: 5 [Indeed, of Zion it will be said, “This one and that one
were born in her, and the Most High himself will establish her.”

The Most High (God Almighty) Himself will establish Zion. Meaning God Himself must bring back all the Feasts that were abolished throughout history.

In the last days, the only reason why the Church of God celebrates all of the Feasts of God is because only Christ AhnSahngHong has established the Feast of God for the redemption of His children in these last days. This means that our Father Christ AhnSahngHong is the MOST HIGH HIMSELF. If He does not come to this earth and endures all pain, suffering and persecution just like He did 2,000 years ago we will not have any hope for the Kingdom of Heaven, our Home. Also, in Zion our eyes have seen Jerusalem, our Mother (Galatians 4:26)
All thanks, praise and honor to our God Christ AhnSahngHong!

Children of Heavenly Jerusalem

The Bible says that we are “children of promise like Isaac”; what condition of faith is required for us to become like Isaac. The most important factor that decided the heir of Abraham was Sarah, the mother of Isaac. Ishmael was also a son of Abraham, but his mother was a slave. God suggested two conditions for being te heir of Abraham. The first condition was that he should come from Abraham’s own body, and the second and final condition was that he should come from Sara’s own body. God did not acknoledge anyone who did not come the body of Abraham as of Sarah as Abraham’s heir, that is, his first born son.

We have God our Mother, the holy Jerusalem, who is free (Gal.4:26). No one can be an heir of God except through God the Mother, only through Her we can receive salvation!

Monday, August 8, 2011

World Mission Society Church of God Reveals Christ Ahnsahnghong as the Last Adam

I told you before about my experience at the World Mission Society Church of God that preaches Christ Ahnsahnghong and Heavenly Mother the New Jerusalem. And I also told you that I would fill you in on the details of the study that led to my baptism. 

What an incredible journey I have been on since that time…and how amazing are the mysteries hidden in the Scriptures!! So…here it is.

According to the Bible, God said that his mysteries would only be revealed in the last days (Rev 10:7), so until then, even those who try to look into them on their own will find themselves confused (Isa 29:11). Essentially…ever Christian attending church thus far has fallen into this same trap of confusion. Why you ask?

Jesus spoke in parable since the beginning of the Bible (Matt 13:34) and made the truths known only to his servants and prophets: the chosen few (Matt 22:14).  The chosen few however, are those who do the will of God (Matt 7:21) and though everyone may say they do, if they do not even know the one who commands it, how can they even know what to do?

Just like I did at first, I am sure you would probably view this as too selective, or un-merciful, but God has a greater plan and to the one who goes to learn, hopefully they will see and then do, just as I did.   

Creation is a story everyone has heard about…Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden and the serpent who deceived them…


Did anyone tell you there is another Adam in the Bible? (1 Cor15:45-49).  Didn’t think so…

How on earth is there a first and last Adam? How can it be that the first is of the dust, and the second is considered a life-giving spirit? Either way, there are 2 Adams in the Bible which is dumbfounding.  What’s more is that only the World Mission Society Church of God teaches about the last Adam the life-giving spirit.

Apostle Paul testified in (Rom 5:14) that death reigned even over those who did not sin by breaking a command as did Adam “who was a pattern of the one to come.”  However, there is only one to come in the Bible… (Heb 9:28) and he is coming with the purpose of bringing salvation.

Because only God can bring salvation, the one to come cannot be Jesus at his first coming because he had already come and gone back to heaven.  So somehow God has to come again…but who is he?

The World Mission Society Church of God preaches from the Scriptures that Second Coming is Christ Ahnsahnghong.  Then before he appears, it would be impossible for anyone to already have salvation, otherwise why would he need to bring it?

The Bible clearly testifies that Christ Ahnsahnghong came a second time and fulfilling prophecy he came in the pattern of Adam as a life-giving Spirit. 

Then what “life” or “salvation,” will Christ Ahnsahnghong, the Last Adam give to those waiting for him?

First things first…without understanding Adam’s pattern, how can anyone understand Christ Ahnsahnghong?

Looking at the pattern of Adam from Genesis, let’s see what Adam did.  (Gen 2:21-23) and the man (Adam) said “this is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called woman, for she was taken out of man.”

When Adam fell asleep, he revealed the woman (Gen 3:20) “Eve.” Looking in the footnotes, one can see that her name means “life.”

Then since Christ Ahnsahnghong is coming in this same pattern, so too should he fall asleep and reveal from his own flesh and blood, Eve.   And just as in the beginning of creation first Adam was with Eve, so at the end of the spiritual creation the Last Adam should be with the last Eve, also known as the “mother of all the living.”

Fulfilling prophecy, Christ Ahnsahnghong came to earth and revealed his flesh and blood to the world at the end of the spiritual creation as it is written in (Rev 19:7).  Only in the last days has the bride made herself ready for the wedding of the Lamb.  So…who is the Lamb and who is this bride? At this point in my lesson, I was burning with curiosity…

Who is she???

The wedding of the Lamb in Revelation refers to that of Christ Ahnsahnghong (1 Cori 5:7) and in the pattern of Adam as the groom, he has to be a life-giving spirit to reveal (unveil) Eve, his bride. 

Obviously, no one can know her if her name and whereabouts are unknown.  So, as she is to be the Mother of all the living, her children are out there somewhere looking for her and need to know where to find her.

Thus, Apostle John described the bride in Revelation as the Holy City Jerusalem coming down from heaven (Rev 21:9-10).  Clearly no city is a mother of living children, nor is the city coming down from heaven to the earth…Jerusalem is already here on the earth.

So, Apostle Paul clarified the mystery of Jerusalem calling out to her as (Gal 4:26), “our mother.”

What??? Our Mother????? Everything matches up so perfectly…This was the point in the lesson where I began to cry and needed a moment to breath. 

Can you believe it? All this time, we were convinced of only God the Father, but the children of God have a Mother! Of couse they do, they are children!!!

Praise God!

Can you see this?

Fulfilling prophecy, Jerusalem is surely the Last Eve to appear with her groom, the last Adam Christ Ahnsahnghong.

Heavenly Mother New Jerusalem is therefore the Last Eve, the bride of Second Coming Christ Ahnsahnghong the Last Adam.  To those who long for everlasting life then…surely you will need to know how to be born of Heavenly Parents.

Friday, August 5, 2011

God the Mother, the Heavenly Jerusalem

“But the Jerusalem that is above is free, and she is our mother.” (Galatians 4:26)
The first Bible study that my husband and I attended was about Jerusalem Mother. He accepted right away, but I was a little reticent at first. I had never heard about Mother God before, but I was open to listen, because I saw it in the Bible. I knew that some sects were of the belief that Mary is our mother, but that never resonated for me because I never saw it testified in the Bible that we should worship or sactify Mary.
I have never been one to hide anything from my children, so as we were driving home from the church, I asked them what they thought about God the Mother, or the idea that there is a female image of God. To my surprise, they both said that it made sense, because in our family they have a dad and mom, so why would we only have God the Father and not God the Mother. My son, who rarely voices his opinion, shared that he always thought that something was wrong with only calling God, Father. From that moment on, I felt that the Truth that I was seeking for my family was drawing near…
Now my family and I have been attending the World Mission Society Church of God for a few months, and take every opportunity to meet our Heavenly Family in Zion–where God Elohim dwells (Psalms 132:13-16, Psalms 133).

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Jerusalem Mother

In the Bible, God is referred to through plural terms instead of singular terms, and it is written that God has a male image and a female image. Therefore, God exists in the male image and in the female image.
Have you ever thought about why we call God our Father?
It is written that God's invisible qualities have been clearly seen and can be understood through what has been made (Rom. 1:20). Is there any creature that is given life through only their father, alone, without a mother being present?
We need to study this matter carefully.

The Children of PromiseThe Bible calls us "the children of promise."

Gal. 4:28 『Now you, brothers, like Isaac, are children of promise.』

Then, what promise did God make to those who are called the children of promise? God promised them eternal life.

1 John 2:25 『And this is what he promised us?even eternal life.』

How is eternal life given to us? The Bible says that all things were created by God's will (Rev. 4:11). Among all of the many creatures that God has created, let us focus on the mothers. Since it is written that God created all things by His will, a certain will of God was expressed when He created mothers on this earth. As you know, all creatures have a mother figure. There is not a single creature that can come into existence without a mother.

Our physical life is given to us through our physical mother. For 280 days, a baby's hands, feet, eyes and ears form within his mother's womb. When the time comes, the mother will give birth to her child, shedding blood. We are given life through our mother's great pain. How about our spiritual life? Just as our physical life was given to us through our physical mother, our spiritual life is given to us through our spiritual Mother.
The Bible clearly testifies that our heavenly Mother exists, and that only our heavenly Mother can give us eternal life.

God's Two ImagesLet us study through the Bible to discover the existence of our spiritual Mother.

Gen. 1:26-27 『Then God said, "Let us make man in our image, in our likeness...” So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.』

The above verse states that God has two images?a male image and a female image. Until now, we have only known and called upon the male image of God: “Father.” Then how should we call upon the female image of God? Logically, we should refer to God’s female image as “Mother.” This is why God had said, “Let us make man in our image, in our likeness.”

The word “us” is a plural term. “Elohim,” the Hebrew word used in place of “God” in Genesis 1:26, directly translates to “Gods,” the plural form of the word “God.” Therefore, the references to “us” in the book of Genesis refer to God the Father and God the Mother. Some say that the word “us” in this verse indicates God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. If this argument is correct, there should be three types of people in the world?those who were made in the image of God the Father, those who resemble the image of God the Son, and those created in the image of the Holy Spirit. However, on this earth there are only two types of people: men and women. However, the “Gods” mentioned in Genesis 1:26 are the male image of God and the female image of God?God the Father and God the Mother.

The Will of God in Creating Eve, Adam’s WifeLet us study more truth regarding the heavenly Mother through the character Adam, written in the book of Romans.

Rom. 5:14 『...Adam, who was a pattern of the one to come.』

Since the book of Romans was written after Jesus had already ascended, the “one to come” mentioned in the above verse indicates the Second Coming Jesus. Adam was created to lead us to the Second Coming Jesus. Then, what was God’s will in creating Eve, Adam’s wife?

Gen. 2:21 『So the LORD God caused the man to fall into a deep sleep; and while he was sleeping, he took one of the man's ribs and closed up the place with flesh.』

Gen. 3:20 『Adam named his wife Eve, because she would become the mother of all the living.』

The name “Eve” means “life.” Eve was called “the mother of all the living.” God’s intent in creating Adam was to reveal the Second Coming Jesus, our heavenly Father, and Eve was created to reveal the Second Coming Jesus’ wife, our heavenly Mother. In other words, just as Eve was called “the mother of all the living,” we can only be given eternal life through our heavenly Mother. Eve represents our heavenly Mother.

“I Will Raise Him Up at the Last Day”Two thousand years ago, Jesus said, repeatedly, that He would wait until the last day to raise up all of the people who came to Him (John 6:39, 40, 44. 54). Why did Jesus need to wait until the last day to save His people? What was He waiting for? The account of the six-day Creation?in the book of Genesis, chapter one?represents the spiritual Creation which would take place over six thousand years. Just as the six-day Creation ended after Eve had appeared, so would the six-thousand year spiritual Creation end with the appearance of our spiritual Mother. Jesus could have given His people life during His first coming; however, Jesus waited for the appearance of the heavenly Mother because life would be given through Her.

The Wedding of the LambLet’s study some of the testimonies about Mother written in the book of Revelation.

Rev. 19:7 『Let us rejoice and be glad and give him glory! For the wedding of the Lamb has come, and his bride has made herself ready.』

The book of Revelation was written after Jesus had ascended, and it prophesied about the things that were to happen in the last days. Thus, “the Lamb” mentioned in the above verse indicates the Second Coming Jesus: Ahnsahnghong. When Jesus came to the earth for the first time, two thousand years ago, His wife was not yet ready. The Bride, the wife of the Lamb, would appear in the last days.
In the book of Revelation, chapter 21, the Bride?the wife of the Lamb?is described as “Jerusalem.”

Rev. 21:9-10 『...One of the seven angels who had the seven bowls full of the seven last plagues came and said to me, "Come, I will show you the bride, the wife of the Lamb." And he...showed me the Holy City, Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God.』

Apostle Paul testified that this Holy City, Jerusalem, which would come down out of heaven, is our Mother. Gal. 4:26 『But the Jerusalem that is above is free, and she is our mother.』

Children of the Free WomanApostle Paul testified that we are the children of promise, the children of the free woman, because we have been given the promise of eternal life from our heavenly Mother.

Gal. 4:28 『Now you, brothers, like Isaac, are children of promise.』

Gal. 4:31 『Therefore, brothers, we are not children of the slave woman, but of the free woman.』

If we are the children of the free woman, what should we call Her? We should call Her our “Mother.” We cannot have eternal life unless we receive the heavenly Mother. Eternal life, which God has promised us, is given through the heavenly Mother.

In this last age, we need our Jerusalem Mother who has been established by Christ Ahnsahnghong?the Second Coming Jesus. Let us believe in Christ Ahnsahnghong, the Holy Spirit, and in Jerusalem Mother, the Bride, so that we can receive eternal life.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

The Savior of Each Age and the New Name

This age is the age of the Holy Spirit.
In the age of the Holy Spirit, we can be saved only by Jesus’ new name.
Through this subject, let’s find out about the Savior of this age (Jesus’ new name).

Ecc 3:1 “There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven.”

Every activity has its own purpose. Our life of faith has a certain goal.

1 Pe 1:8-9 “….for you are receiving the goal of your faith, the salvation of your souls.”

As you see, the goal of our faith is the salvation of our souls, that is, eternal life.
For our salvation, God divided 6,000 years into three ages and gave us a different name of the Savior in each age.

Mt 28:19 “…...baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.”

God told us to baptize people in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.
It means that the Father has His name, the Son has His name, and the Holy Spirit also has His name.
As you know, the name of the Father is Jehovah and the name of the Son is Jesus.
Then what is the name of the Holy Spirit? The bible clearly says that there is the name of the Holy Spirit.
Let’s find out what the Holy Spirit’s name is.
First, let’s find out who the Savior was in the age of the Father.

Isa 43:11 “I, even I, am the LORD, and apart from me there is no savior.”

In the age of the Father, who was the Savior?
Only Jehovah was the Savior in the age of the Father.
It changed from the age of the Father to the age of the Son.
In the age of the Son, who was the Savior?

Ac 4:11-12 “Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved.

Then, who was the Savior in the age of the Son? – “Jesus”
Why was that? Because the name of the Savior changed from Jehovah to Jesus, as the age of the Father changed to the age of the Son.
Then, could people be saved by the name of Jehovah in the age of the Son? (No)
Could people be saved by the name of Jesus in the age of the Father? (No)
God gave us a different name for the Savior in each age, and each of the names has time limitation.
Which age do we live in now? We live in the age of the Holy Spirit.
Then, who is the Savior in the age of the Holy Spirit?

Rev 3:12 “I will write on him the name of my God and the name of the city of my God, the new Jerusalem, which is coming down out of heaven from my God, and I will also write on him my new name.”

Rev 2:17 “… I will also give him a white stone with a new name written on it, known only to him who receives it.”

The new name is the name of the Savior in the age of the Holy Spirit.
In the age of the Holy Spirit, we can be saved only by Jesus’ new name.
And Christ Ahnsahnghong is the Jesus’ new name.
So, Church of God believes in Ahnsahnghong as our Savior in the last age.