Monday, August 8, 2011

World Mission Society Church of God Reveals Christ Ahnsahnghong as the Last Adam

I told you before about my experience at the World Mission Society Church of God that preaches Christ Ahnsahnghong and Heavenly Mother the New Jerusalem. And I also told you that I would fill you in on the details of the study that led to my baptism. 

What an incredible journey I have been on since that time…and how amazing are the mysteries hidden in the Scriptures!! So…here it is.

According to the Bible, God said that his mysteries would only be revealed in the last days (Rev 10:7), so until then, even those who try to look into them on their own will find themselves confused (Isa 29:11). Essentially…ever Christian attending church thus far has fallen into this same trap of confusion. Why you ask?

Jesus spoke in parable since the beginning of the Bible (Matt 13:34) and made the truths known only to his servants and prophets: the chosen few (Matt 22:14).  The chosen few however, are those who do the will of God (Matt 7:21) and though everyone may say they do, if they do not even know the one who commands it, how can they even know what to do?

Just like I did at first, I am sure you would probably view this as too selective, or un-merciful, but God has a greater plan and to the one who goes to learn, hopefully they will see and then do, just as I did.   

Creation is a story everyone has heard about…Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden and the serpent who deceived them…


Did anyone tell you there is another Adam in the Bible? (1 Cor15:45-49).  Didn’t think so…

How on earth is there a first and last Adam? How can it be that the first is of the dust, and the second is considered a life-giving spirit? Either way, there are 2 Adams in the Bible which is dumbfounding.  What’s more is that only the World Mission Society Church of God teaches about the last Adam the life-giving spirit.

Apostle Paul testified in (Rom 5:14) that death reigned even over those who did not sin by breaking a command as did Adam “who was a pattern of the one to come.”  However, there is only one to come in the Bible… (Heb 9:28) and he is coming with the purpose of bringing salvation.

Because only God can bring salvation, the one to come cannot be Jesus at his first coming because he had already come and gone back to heaven.  So somehow God has to come again…but who is he?

The World Mission Society Church of God preaches from the Scriptures that Second Coming is Christ Ahnsahnghong.  Then before he appears, it would be impossible for anyone to already have salvation, otherwise why would he need to bring it?

The Bible clearly testifies that Christ Ahnsahnghong came a second time and fulfilling prophecy he came in the pattern of Adam as a life-giving Spirit. 

Then what “life” or “salvation,” will Christ Ahnsahnghong, the Last Adam give to those waiting for him?

First things first…without understanding Adam’s pattern, how can anyone understand Christ Ahnsahnghong?

Looking at the pattern of Adam from Genesis, let’s see what Adam did.  (Gen 2:21-23) and the man (Adam) said “this is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called woman, for she was taken out of man.”

When Adam fell asleep, he revealed the woman (Gen 3:20) “Eve.” Looking in the footnotes, one can see that her name means “life.”

Then since Christ Ahnsahnghong is coming in this same pattern, so too should he fall asleep and reveal from his own flesh and blood, Eve.   And just as in the beginning of creation first Adam was with Eve, so at the end of the spiritual creation the Last Adam should be with the last Eve, also known as the “mother of all the living.”

Fulfilling prophecy, Christ Ahnsahnghong came to earth and revealed his flesh and blood to the world at the end of the spiritual creation as it is written in (Rev 19:7).  Only in the last days has the bride made herself ready for the wedding of the Lamb.  So…who is the Lamb and who is this bride? At this point in my lesson, I was burning with curiosity…

Who is she???

The wedding of the Lamb in Revelation refers to that of Christ Ahnsahnghong (1 Cori 5:7) and in the pattern of Adam as the groom, he has to be a life-giving spirit to reveal (unveil) Eve, his bride. 

Obviously, no one can know her if her name and whereabouts are unknown.  So, as she is to be the Mother of all the living, her children are out there somewhere looking for her and need to know where to find her.

Thus, Apostle John described the bride in Revelation as the Holy City Jerusalem coming down from heaven (Rev 21:9-10).  Clearly no city is a mother of living children, nor is the city coming down from heaven to the earth…Jerusalem is already here on the earth.

So, Apostle Paul clarified the mystery of Jerusalem calling out to her as (Gal 4:26), “our mother.”

What??? Our Mother????? Everything matches up so perfectly…This was the point in the lesson where I began to cry and needed a moment to breath. 

Can you believe it? All this time, we were convinced of only God the Father, but the children of God have a Mother! Of couse they do, they are children!!!

Praise God!

Can you see this?

Fulfilling prophecy, Jerusalem is surely the Last Eve to appear with her groom, the last Adam Christ Ahnsahnghong.

Heavenly Mother New Jerusalem is therefore the Last Eve, the bride of Second Coming Christ Ahnsahnghong the Last Adam.  To those who long for everlasting life then…surely you will need to know how to be born of Heavenly Parents.


  1. Christ Ahnsahnghong who revealed Heavenly Mother is really Second Coming Christ~!!

  2. When we think about Adam automatically we think about Eve as well.
    If you see the bible there is Last Adam that means there is Last Eve too.

    Last Adam Christ ahnsahnghong Last Eve Our Mother I praise to them forerver and ever.

  3. Amen.
    Our Father and Mother have appeared to give us eternal life in the last days
