Wednesday, July 6, 2011

The Elohim Gods

The bible testifies that God exits in the female image, God the Mother, as well as the male image, God the Father.
The biile calls Them Elohim in Hebrew.
World Missin Society Church of God has received Second coming Christ Ahnsahnghong, God the Father, and the heavenly Jerusalem, God the Mother.
We call our Creator "God Most High" and we think He is one. However, in Genesis we can see that the plural Gods made all creatures, in cluding man,
saing, "Let us make man...."

Ge 1:26-27 [ Then God said, " Let us make man in our imige, in our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air,......" so God created man in his own image of God he created him: male and female he created them.]

If an aritist draws a male model, a portrait of a man will be painted, and if he draws a female model, a portrait a woman will be painted.
God our Creator made man in His own imige, and male female were created.
If God is one, He must say, "Let me make," "in my image," "in my likeness"
However, God said "Let us," "our imige," " our likeness"
This means that  there are both male and female in the image of God.
For ages, people have called the male image of God "God the Father" then, we should call the female image of God "Mother God" shouldn't we?
Elohim Gods created man and woman in the beginning, and They Work together untill the last day.

Let's see the Gods work together, saying,"Let us..."Ge 11:1-9 [Now the whole World had... The Lord said, "Come, let US go down and confuse their language.....]
Here the word 'us' tells us that Father and Mother worked together to stop their building the tower of Babel.
Surely we can see that there is the Father God and the Mother God through the Bible.

Isa 6:7-10[... Then I heard the vioce of the Lord saying, "Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?" And I said, "Here am I. send me!]

God said, " Who will go for us?" not saying, "Who will go for me?"
Here we can also understand both God the Father and God the mother working together and sending propets for our salvation.
In many Biblical verses we see God working together, saying "Let us..."
In the Hebrew text, the word of God in the singular sense is "El" or " Eloah" and its plural from "Elohim" means Gods.
God, who is working for our salvation, promised that He would appear(in the flesh) in His own time.

1Ti6:15-16[ Which God will bring about in  his owm time-God, the blessed and only Ruler,...]

The bible says that God(Elohim) will appear to us in due time.
If He reavels Himself visible to our eyes, it means He will come in the flesh.
In the likeness of men, in the likeness of male and female, God is prophesied to come to this earth, being made a little lower then the angels.
There is the Savior's name for each age, but the name df God as female does not appear. For God the Father stands as a representative,
just as only a father's name appears on a doorplate in the home though there is a mother.
Only God can give us life, for He alone has immortality.
Let's see how God(Elohim) the only eternal Being will appear in due time.

Rev 22:17[The spirit and the bride say, "come!" And let him who hears say, "come!" Whoever is thirsty, let him come, and whoever wishes, let him take the free gift of the water of life.]
Here we can see that God has appeared as the Spirit and the Bride in due time to give us the water of life.

Rev19:8 [Let us rejoice and be glad and give him glory! For the wedding of the Lamb has come, and his bride has made hersalf ready. Fine linen, bright and clean, was given her to wear."(Fine linen stands for the righteous acts of the saints.)]

Rev21:9-10 [One of the seven angels  who had the seven bowls full of the seven last plagues same and said to me,"come, I will show you the bride, the  wife of the Lamb." And he carried me away in the spirit to a mountain great and high, and showed me the Holy City, Jeruslem. coming down out of heaveen from God.]

Gal 4:26 [but the Jerusalem that is above is free, and she is our Mother]
The wife of the Lamb(Bride) is Heavenly Jerusalem = Our God the Mother.
The Lamb and His Wife are God the Father and God the Mother, who have appeared in the due time.
Our Father and Mother have appeared to give us eternal life in the last days.
We must seek and go to Elohim Who gives us eternal life.
Only those who receive Elohim will enter the kingdom of heaven at the last.

Through the new covenant we can reach full knowledge of God.Jer 31:31-33[I will make a new covenant.... I will be their God(God the Father and God the Mother- Elohim), and they will be my people.

Elohim is God of the new covenant.When we realize Elohim through the nnew covenant, we will all  know God.
People can become God's children only the new covenant and enter the kingdom of heaven at the last day.

1 comment:

  1. It is written in the Bible that God has two images..and it is a very safe bet.
    So...if we believe in Bible, the existence of God the Mother is surely undeniable.
